Build Your Future by Coming Together Financially

Navigating Financial Harmony as a Couple: Why Set Goals?
Did you know that you need to set goals in regards to your finances? No one wakes up and decides to go into debt, yet so many of us are in or have been in crazy deep debt. Many couples divorce due to the strain of finances, and we do not want that to be you. However, this is not an article telling you the way to become debt-free. There are many programs available to aid you and your spouse in this area. If that is you, I lovingly urge you to seek out a reputable program for assistance in whittling down the debt. Proverbs 15:22 says that "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed."
Crafting a Financial Blueprint: Strategies for Couples to Set Goals
The purpose of Goal Setting 301 is to help you set financial goals whether you are in debt or not. Your money needs a place to go. It needs an assignment, whether it is saving or spending. If you are taking a vacation, completing repairs around your house, purchasing a car, or building a savings account, you need a plan to make it happen.
Strengthening Bonds Through Financial Collaboration: Choosing and Achieving Joint Goals
This is the exciting part! Think about your money and life in terms of time. What would you like to see within six months, three years, and five years? The resource made available to you with this article is set up in that way. However, adjust the time frames according to your family needs. Separately you will want to choose up to three goals for your finances in each category. For example:
Six Months: Tile the bathroom
Three Years: Go on a cruise
Five Years: Replace one car
Then share the goals and dreams with each other. Do you overlap in any areas? Is anything surprising? Remember, this is your time to share. Be open, honest, and accepting of the things your spouse shares.
Just Do It!
Once you have shared with each other, choose one goal in each category that you will work on together. Have a conversation about how you will reach those goals. Talk about ways to save up for each. What needs to happen? Work together on this with love and understanding. Seek help if you are financially troubled. By setting financial goals, it may help you stay out of debt. No doubt, the remaining goals you wrote down are good. So hold onto your lists and revisit them. Remember, once you reach goals, set new ones. Come together in unity and let God strengthen your marriage.
"Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up." Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Get the FREE "Goal Setting 301 Financial Goals Workbook"
This workbook will help you define what is important to each of you financially. Then you can come together to discuss and make agreements on what you want to work toward together. Remember when you are aligned financially, trust is built and your future can be much more secure. Of course we should always remember that God is the one in whom we should find ultimate security, and so make sure to include Him in everything you do.
Click Here to Get the FREE GUIDE Goal Setting 301 Financial Goals Workbook.