Marriages Need Help
Did you know these things about your couples?
The divorce rate for first marriages in the U.S. is somewhere between 40-50%. The percentage increases for each subsequent marriage.
Christian Married Couples Divorce Rate
Some studies show that the divorce rate in Christian marriages is rising and is now comparable to non-Christian marriages.
6 out of 10 married couples are unhappy in their marriage.
Between 20-25% of married men have had an affair. For married women, it is between 10-15%.
Sex Before Marriage
Many couples engage in a sexual relationship very early in the relationship. What this means is many have put physical connection above spiritual and emotional connection.
Many No Longer Believe in Marriage
Some couples no longer believe in marriage for various reasons. The marriage rate has declined by 60% over the last 50 years.

Change is Possible with our Marriage Experience
For more information on the
Love How Deep Marriage Experience check out our brochure to get all the details on what the conference is all about and how it can help change couples' relationships.

Do you struggle to know how to help your married couples?
Ministry Burnout
Are you afraid of burnout especially when it comes to serving everyone in your congregation? It is hard enough serving individuals, but pastoral counseling of couples tends to come with much more stress. When you are dealing with the heavy tension, it can be hard to separate and put this aside when you go home. Couples work can often hasten the feelings of burnout.
Not Enough Time
Do you and your staff lack the time to be able to commit to helping couples? Often couples in order to get better will often require several meetings over several months. When you multiply that out over several couples, you probably soon come to realize that it is not sustainable. Maybe you have assistant pastoral staff, but even with that, it can still be difficult to help every one.
Lack of Information
Of course we all know that pointing couples to the love of God and to obey his Word is the answer. However, it can be helpful as a supplement to have knowledge or research and tools as assist. We have heard time and again that pastors do not have that supplemental knowledge and training on specific programs. These programs can be intensive and often include administering assessments to the couple, reviewing reports from the assessments, and guiding them in exercises, and assigning homework. Often getting properly trained can take a few days or a week. It takes even longer to feel adequately equipped.
Conferences that lack focus on Jesus
Have you researched programs, conferences, and workshops to help couples only to find that God is not much a part of them? We have noticed this as well. There are many secular only programs of course which will certainly not fit your needs. Christian based programs will often have Jesus in the background and not front and center.
Strong couples can strengthen your church.
For a day and a half, Brian and Heather Mayer will lead the Love How Deep Couples Experience for your couples at your location.
The Experience is built on Ephesians 3:16-18.
In that passage, Paul's prayer is that those who read his letter would be strengthened by the Spirit in their inner being, so that Christ dwells in them. He also wants them to be rooted and established in love with all of God's people so that ultimately they will grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.
The entire conference begins with that and propels us forward throughout our time together. We will focus on that, each individual in the couple, then the couple. They will become more aware of oneself, implement humility, practice forgiveness, and ultimately heal, From there the couple can learn to commune together, engage in baptism (proclaim outwardly in the inward transformation), and finally celebrate their love together.
In the Experience, our intent is that couples be "doers of the word" as they interact with each other and not just "hearers." From there they will be exhorted to take that same attitude outside of the Experience into their lives together and with others.

Benefits of the Couples Experience
The Love How Deep Couples Experience will be a conference you and your couples won't forget.

Brian and Heather Mayer will lead this for you
Brian & Heather Mayer will lead the entire experience for you. You won't have to prepare or lead, simply work with us on items like technology and space needs.

Fun and Engaging
The married couples that participate in Experience will engage all the senses and various ways to learn during each session. This type of learning increases the likelihood that things will stick.

Couples Renewed Committment to God and Each Other
God's Love is the foundation and couples will spend all of their time focused on incorporating that love into the love they have for each other.

Increased Intimacy
Especially during the Couples Experience portion of each session, the couple will be engaging in activities that will bring them closer together. The activities can be done between just the two of them. There is no obligation to share with others.

Connection with other Christian Couples
Each couple will have lots of opportunities to connect with other couples. They can learn and share with one another during the experience as much or as little as comfortable.

Hope and Lasting Impact
No matter what place a couple comes in to the experience, they will leave feeling inspired with a renewed hope for the future. For God knows the plans, they are for good and not to harm.
How the Love How Deep Couples Experience Works
Where is the Experience?
The Couples Experience will take place at your location.
How Long is the Experience
The Love How Deep Couples Experience is typically held over a day and a half.
Usually an evening for about 2-3 hours, then about 8 hours the following day.
What Days of the Week
We have found that the best days of the week are Friday evening and Saturday morning/afternoon.
Earlier week nights and taking a day off work during the week is not feasible for many couples. On the other end, we want to wrap up before Sunday so that you couples won't miss your church services.
Who Will be Leading the Experience
More about the Experience
Topics: Each of the nine sessions, have a focused topic and they are God's Love, Awareness, Humility, Forgiveness, Healing, Trust, Communion, Baptism, and Our Love.
Session Structure: The sessions start with a short teaching that include strong emphasis on connecting the topic to Scripture, illustrations and stories, often something personal from Brian or Heather, followed by individual worksheet exercises and couples activities or experiences, and ending with a debrief of some sort.
Lunch: The full day will include an on site lunch break.
Couples Workbook: The couples will receive what we call the "Love How Deep Couples Deep Dive Workbook." They will use this book to take notes during the teaching and complete individual worksheets and couples experiences.
Couples Privacy: While there is power in sharing and learning from others, each couple will not be required to share anything with others if they are not comfortable.
How is the Conference different from other Married Couples Conferences?
The Love God and Jesus is Foundational: The Experience is built on Holy Scripture, which we consider the infallable Word of God and from a Christian perspective that puts Jesus and His Love at the foundation. Many other Christian marriage conferences will certainly highlight this but will not have it weaved through everything that is said and done in the conference like the Love How Deep Couples Experience.
Live and In Person: More and more conferences are packaged in video that a church purchases and plays for the participants. Our Experience is live and always led by Brian and Heather Mayer. Your couples will get a personal touch in that we are in the room, laughing, crying, and celebrating with them.
Your Location: If couples conferences aren't on video, then they are often held at conference rooms in hotels or some other neutral site. We prefer to come to your location so your couples feel at home.
The Experience: The main focus of our conference is the Experience that each person within the couple has together. There are intimate moments planned during every session in which each person can have time and space to really connect on a deeper emotional and spiritual level with their spouse. We have been to conferences where this part is rushed. With our coference we want the opposite to be true. A time where they can really soak in the presence of God and the presence of each other.
The Couples Relationship as a Reflection of The Individual Relationship with God. Your couples will grasp that their relationship journey reflects exactly how an individual journeys with God. How is this so? God tells in Genesis 1:27 that man and woman are created in his image. So it makes sense that while each of us individually are made in his image, that our relationship with each other should also be made in his image.
Brian and Heather Mayer are not Pastors. We are not pastors, we don't lead a big congregations, we are not evangelists, we didn't go to seminary. We are simply a couple just like the couples we serve (with a bit more experience and relationship education of course), and so we of course disagree about the dishes and money or whatever just like everyone else. We like that we are average (maybe even a bit messed up at time) people called by God, just like all the people He called in the Bible.
The Love How Deep Couples Experience Structure
Nine Sessions, each builds on the one before
Nine Sessions: God's Love, Awareness, Humility, Forgiveness, Healing, Trust, Communion, Baptism, Our Love
Each Session Has: Teaching, Individual Worksheet, Couples Experience, and Debrief
Sessions are generally 45 minutes with breaks in between
Couples will receive a Couples Deep Dive Workbook
Couples Experience in Motion
As you can see in the graphic below, God's Love is foundational. It can be accessed no matter where someone is on their journey with each other.
The first three sections focus on the God and the individual. God's Love is the start (and frankly the middle and end too) and is felt and grasped by the individual. From there, one gains Awareness of God's holiness and perfection as opposed to ttheir junk and shortcomings. Once that is established then the individual realizes that Humility or openly admitting these issues to God, is the only way forward.
The second three sections are the transition from the individual to the couple. Once Humility is established, it is much easier to ask for and be granted Forgiveness. Once forgiven, the wounds begin the Healing process. Once healed, couples begin to Trust each other more.
The final three sessions are where every cements together for the couple even further. From there each person feels more comfortable to take risks again through Communion with their spouse. The more that happens, couples enter the Baptism stage where they are confident to outwardly express their inward transformation. Finally the Our Love stage happens when each person makes an greater committment to love each other.

Schedule a Love How Deep Couples Experience in Your Church Today
Contact Us Today:
We would love to talk more about your desire to host our Love How Deep Couples Experience at your location. Use our Contact Page to send us an email. Brian or Heather will respond promptly to set up a phone call to discuss all the details with you.
Items We Can Discuss:
We are here to provide the best experience possible for you and the married couples in your congregation. Let's Talk About:
Detailed Information About Content of Conference
Projected Number of Couples
Size of Your Venue
Type and Availability of your Audio Visual Equipment
Refreshments and Food
Scheduling the Date
Any Questions You Have
Frequently Asked Questions
Pricing: The conference pricing varies depending on the number of couples that attend. Our expenses may also vary depending on your location and we can discuss that as well. The good news is that you have flexibility in what financial portion you may ask your couples to bear. Some churches provide the experience free to their couples. Some churches ask the couples to pay a nominal fee so that they have some investment. Other churches may ask the couples to pay a larger portion so that the experience is mainly paid for by the couples in attendance.
How Far in Advance Can We Schedule: Depending on our availability, we can be flexible. Just ask!
Does the Church Provide Volunteers: While this is not required, we would love it if there were those in your congregration who might want to serve in administrative or prayer partner type roles. We can talk details.
Refreshments and Food: We can include the cost of refreshments and food in our pricing. We would ask for your help in finding what your congregation likes in your local area.